Added & Omitted Assessments
It is only logical that an improvement to your home will result in an increased selling price of your home and therefore, your property tax assessment will increase.
This will take the form of an added assessment tax bill which you will receive in the mail on or about October 25th after the improvement is substantially completed for its intended use. This bill shall be payable on November 1st, February 1st and May 1st and then the added assessment amount will be included in your annual tax bill received in June for the new tax year. Therefore, just as you planned ahead for this improvement, you should also plan ahead and set aside funds for the added assessment tax bill.
Difference between an "Added Assessment" and an "Omitted Added" Assessment:
The added assessment is the amount of the difference between the property assessment before the improvement and the value of the entire property after the improvement. It does not reflect the cost of the amenity itself or the cost of the project. If you did not receive an Added Assessment Tax bill for work completed in the previous year, you will receive an "Omitted Added" Assessment bill in addition to an "Added Assessment" bill the year following the improvement. The original bill will be mailed to your mortgage company, if you have one. You will receive an advise only copy. We recommend that you contact your mortgage company to ensure payment will be made.
Please note: Not scheduling a final inspection for your building permit does not delay the added assessment tax bill.